Shipyard ATG Giurgiu

logo_atgShipyard ATG Giurgiu provides new construction and repairs for both shallow and deep
water vessels around the world.

The Shipyard has been operating since 1897, subsequently owned by a Romanian business investor in 2002.

The quality control of our activity offers our clients, high quality standards and competitive rates, backed up by the experienced and professional teamwork of our employees, facilitating you to get in profitable business with our company. Shipyard ATG Giurgiu is providing the conditions for a successful and long-term collaboration with Your Company.

The Shipyard has a steel manufacturing capacity of up to 600/700 ton/month, approximate 10.000, tones per year.
Shipyard ATG Giurgiu is working in accordance with ship class rules BV/GL/LR, the ruling environmental requirements’ under ISO 14001 standard, quality management system under ISO 9001 BVQI standard and EU labour legislation. Shipyard ATG Giurgiu benefits from a strategically position with quays at the Danube river, Black Sea Channel and to North Sea/ Rotterdam through the Danube Rheine-Main Channel.

QUALITY, EFFICIENCY and TIMELY DELIVERY are highly valued at Shipyard ATG Giurgiu.

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