P.A.LIBRA Company since its registration in 1994 year has developed year
by year,being extremely active both on domestic and international market
with the 4 core activities,as follows:
1-Sale & Purchase brokers for:
-newbuilt and second hand ships of any type
-ship repairs
2-Sale & purchase of marine equipment and spare parts,both for Romanian
and foreign made ones:
-Main engines and Diesel generators.P.A.LIBRA is ABC Belgium engine
manufacturer agent in Romania
-engines spare mainly for ABC and ALCO,as well as for any other type
-air compressors,pumps,coolers,purifiers etc.
-deck equipment:anchors,chains,cranes,life boats,lifting gears etc.
-machine tools
-any kind of shipbuilding materials:steel plates,profiles,pipes,welding
materials,electrical cables etc.
-cast,forged parts either rough or final machined of steel or cast iron up to
200 t each
-blasting grit
-water,cement,mud tanks for both off-shore and on shore industry
-electrical ,electronic equipment,radio and navigation aids
-ship models
-ship designs for new buildings,conversions,repairs and upgrading
3.Service and commissioning for marine equipment mainly for:
-OPTIMARIN-Norway Balast Water Treatment Systems
-ABC and ALCO engines
4-arrangements for land,sea,river and air transport (including
overseized cargo ) of equipment and spares all over the world.
6, ROMANA STR., BL. LC 3, AP. 69
GALATI – 800076
TEL: 004 0236 467829
MB: 0722 644 713 ; 0723 524 585 ; 0725 892 507
e-mail: remuspopovici@gmail.com, office@pa-libra.com
Web site: www.pa-libra.com
Contact person: REMUS POPOVICI (MR.) – OWNER